6 Easy Steps to Prevent Gum Disease

Gum disease is hard to catch. It progresses slowly and normally painlessly, so by the time you realize something is wrong, there is already a lot of damage done in your mouth. It is important to be proactive about gum help in order to keep up your dental health.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease happens when plaque builds up along your teeth, both along and under your gums. Plaque is filled with bacteria, and it is sticky, so it stays on your teeth for a long time doing continuous damage. It damages gum and bone and causes infections and tooth decay. Eventually it can even lead to extraction.

What are the Symptoms of Gum Disease?

Gum disease can damage your gums in different ways. Ask a Same Day Dental dentist if you show any of the following signs of early stage gum disease.

How Do You Prevent Gum Disease?

Fortunately, the effects of the early stages of gum disease (gingivitis) can be reversed, as they haven’t permanently affected your gums or bones yet. There is a lot you can do at home to prevent gum disease from reaching this point.

1. Brush Your Teeth

Even something as simple as brushing your teeth twice daily can help prevent gum disease. Just make sure you’re brushing for three minutes at a time and getting along the gum lines. Using fluoride toothpaste is an extra preventative measure you can add into your routine.

2. Floss Daily

Your toothbrush can’t reach everything in your teeth. That’s why you have to floss at least once daily to get the extra plaque and food particles that get stuck between your teeth. Morning or night, it doesn’t matter, according to the ADA, as long as you fit it into your schedule.

3. Use Mouthwash

Even brushing and flossing you can still miss some plaque and food particles. Swishing with mouthwash can help ensure that you are getting all of the build up during your routine. It can reduce plaque up to 20%!

4. Avoid Smoking

It’s no secret that cigarettes are bad for your health, but did you know that it contributes to gum disease? It weakens your immune system and makes it harder to fight back. In addition, E- Cigarettes and vapes have been connected to gum disease in a study by the University of Rochester.

5. Schedule Regular Dental Visits

Even if you’re taking great care of your teeth, plaque is sticky and can be hard to remove yourself. Therefore, regular dental cleanings are still necessary for good oral health. In addition, scheduling a visit can help catch any dental issues you have before they become severe.

6. Know Your Risk Factors

Age, smoking, diet, and even just your genetics can all put you at risk for gum disease. If you know you are predisposed, make sure to keep an extra eye on the state of your gums, and make sure you don’t miss your regular dental visits!



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